Stimulation Test
A stimulation test involving the intravenous administration of LHRH is performed at MITERA Children’s Hospital.
Diabetes Clinic for Children & Adolescents
Dr Nikolaos Kefalas supervises the diabetes clinic for children and adolescents at MITERA Children’s Hospital. The team consists of nurses, paediatric endocrinologist-diabetologist, psychologist and clinical dietician/nutritionist, who undertake to treat, [...]
Diabetes Mellitus in young children
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that is characterised by complete insulin deficiency due to autoimmune destruction of Langerhans beta cells in the pancreas. The frequency of Type [...]
Calcium / bone disorders
Calcium / bone disorders include a wide range of conditions caused by calcium imbalances. Some are reversible when detected early and the child is treated. Others stabilise when [...]